
A vibrant community includes a vibrant hospital.

It takes both the community and the hospital to provide legendary care. Our role in the Foundation is to foster deeper relationships that provide resources for the vitality and growth of programs, services and people.

Explore our wide variety of programs area below.

Designated Programs

Greatest Need

Since Jamestown Hospital placed the first cornerstone, we have depended on private philanthropy. We’ve built on that moment and have firm and measurable commitment to excellence.

Your unrestricted gifts allows us to achieve excellence. It is when employees feel valued, physicians feel the organization is the best and patients feel the service is extraordinary. Your gift also allow us to be nimble and responsive, taking advantages in improved healthcare when the timing it right!

Employee Giving

We are a healthcare team. In March, every employee and physician at Jamestown Regional Medical Center is invited to join our annual employee giving campaign by making a donation. Philanthropy touches nearly every one of our patients in one way or another, so each donation, no matter the size, will makes a difference for the children and families we care so deeply about.

Last year during the JRMC Employee Giving Campaign, 103 employees (30%) donated $31,880.

Gifts helped fund the cancer center, purchase a vein light, support staff in need, provide hospice care, mammograms and many, many more programs.