
JRMC Family BirthPlace is dedicated to providing the support, education and high-quality birthing services to help you have a happy and healthy pregnancy, delivery and hospital experience.

We want to ensure your birth experience is centered around your desires while providing a safe and healthy delivery for you and your baby as our primary goal.

Whether this is your first baby or you’re already a parent, this new baby is unique. To help answer some of the questions that may come up during the first few weeks after your baby is born, the nurses at JRMC’s Family BirthPlace will provide you with Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care booklet.

Take a look around

Meticulous planning went into the design of the Family BirthPlace. While some may consider them small touches, we understand these details can be monumental comforts during the birthing and postpartum experiences.

Birthing Suites
Private Labor-Delivery-Recovery-Postpartum (LDRP) rooms let the entire birthing experience take place in a single room. All the rooms are private and designed to encourage mother-baby bonding. Family-centered care is supported by providing a sleeper sofa and comfortable chair. Each room is equipped with a 40-inch TV DVD module. The state-of-the-art nurse call system increases communication between nurses and patients. Private bathrooms with whirlpool tub enhance laboring comfort. Features include a labor/delivery bed, fetal monitoring system, special lighting and infant warming beds.

Postpartum Rooms
These rooms are designed for care of the post C-section patients and hospitalized pregnant patients who are not in labor. Postpartum rooms feature many of the same, home-like amenities as the birthing suites.

JRMC Family BirthPlace is dedicated to providing the support, education and high-quality birthing services to help you have a happy and healthy pregnancy, delivery and hospital experience. We want to ensure your birth experience is centered around your desires while providing a safe and healthy delivery for you and your baby as our primary goal.

JRMC Family BirthPlace also offers:


The Family BirthPlace  is a locked unit. It is your choice who receives access to visit you and your new arrival.

The Process

  • visitors wishing to access the unit will require a code only you can provide
  • visitors will use the intercom system and be prompted for this code to enter the unit and will not be allowed to enter without it

Your recovery is precious. Some moms want to welcome a wide range of visitors, others want peace and privacy to recover. Whichever you choose, we support you.

Being mothers ourselves, our nursing staff understands how important support is after you take your baby home. We’ll schedule a follow-up visit within 1 – 3 days to check on your baby’s well-being. During this visit, we’ll:

  • monitor your baby’s weight gain
  • assess feeding habits (bottle or breastfeeding)
  • check for signs of jaundice

We encourage you to ask any questions and share any concerns you have about your baby and your own recovery.

JRMC Family BirthPlace also offers:

  • newborn hearing screening
  • certified lactation consultants
  • car seat technicians
  • bilirubin analysis
  • inpatient phototherapy
  • sophisticated electronic monitoring

There are three types of SUID sleep-related deaths:

  1. suffocation – Occurs when something, such as a pillow, blanket, hat or an adult’s arm covers baby’s face and nose, causing them to stop breathing.
  2. strangulation – When something wraps around baby’s neck or head, such as cords or blankets.
  3. entrapment or wedging – Happens when baby’s body or head gets stuck in between two things, such as crib/bed frame, bumper pad, wall or mattress.

Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to lower the risk of these sleep-related deaths from occurring.

Top ways to lower the risk of SIDS and SUIDS:

  • place baby on his or her back to sleep at all times
  • get regular prenatal care
  • not smoking during or after pregnancy
  • not using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy
  • having a firm mattress with a tight-fitted sheet
  • excluding other blankets, pillows, toys, pads from the baby’s safe sleep area
  • avoid overheating baby with too many layers
  • breastfeeding baby
  • vaccinate your baby
  • use a pacifier at sleep once breastfeeding is established
  • baby’s safe sleep area should be in a shared room with the parents, but not in the same bed

Other good habits to follow are taking baby to scheduled well baby checkups; not using heart, breathing or other monitors claiming to reduce the risk of SIDS; avoid swaddling baby once they start to roll, and providing tummy time when baby is awake and being watched.

Moon, R. Y., Carlin, R. F., Hand, I., Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, & Committee on Fetus and Newborn. (2022). Sleep-related infant deaths: Updated 2022 recommendations for reducing infant deaths in the sleep environment. Pediatrics, 150(1), e2022057990. Retrieved December 23, 2022, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35726558/.


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JRMC Family BirthPlace receives Golf certification for Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep.
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