Upcoming JRMC U Topics

All JRMC Us are free and open to the public.

Have an idea for a future topic? Email us at info@jrmcnd.com

Jamestown Regional Medical Center offers virtual and in-person learning opportunities throughout the year. Called JRMC Us, these events help individuals make informed choices about their health.

“We care about this community. If we can offer learning opportunities like this, people can find a home-based solution for their needs. If home remedies don’t work, individuals can at least know what treatment options are available,” said JRMC President & CEO Mike Delfs. “Missing work and life to see a doctor can be a challenge, so we want to remove as many barriers as we can.”

JRMC U: Your Joints, Your Life

Two Rivers Activity Center 1501 5th St NE, Jamestown, ND, United States

Find out how hip and knee replacement can improve your joint health and enhance your quality of life.


These learning opportunities are an important part of JRMC’s care delivery. Patient education help individuals understand the proper ways to self-manage care as well as how to avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital. These classes will help individuals make better choices for their health.


JRMC U: Your Breastfeeding Journey set for August 8th

Jamestown Regional Medical Center is offering a free education event on breastfeeding for new and expectant mothers and their partners. The class, JRMC U: Your Breastfeeding Journey, will be held on August 8 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Two Rivers Activity Center in Jamestown.

JRMC U: Breathing with Confidence set for July 24

More than 7,000 non-smokers die each year from lung cancer. While smoking places you at a higher risk, Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s upcoming free education is sharing tips for better breathing for even the healthiest lifestyles.

JRMC U Wound Care: The Journey of Healing

Timely access to specialized wound care is crucial. Nearly 7 million Americans live with chronic wounds. Untreated wounds at risk of complications such as infection, hospitalization, or amputation. Delayed wound care during the pandemic led to a near 50% increase in amputations.

JRMC U: Happy Feet, celebrates National Foot Health Month

Jamestown Regional Medical Center invites the public to attend JRMC U: Happy Feet on Wednesday, April 17, at 11 a.m. The free event will be held at the Two Rivers Activity Center. Attendees can expect to learn about the importance of foot health, including how to care for these essential foundations of well-being properly.

JRMC U: Dizziness & Vertigo

JRMC’s popular JRMC U community education series continues March 28th, with the topic of Dizziness and Vertigo. The free event will be held at 11 a.m. at TRAC, including a light lunch.

JRMC U: Heart Health – Love your ticker

February is heart health month. The human heart is the body’s hardest working muscle and Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s upcoming JRMC U is designed to help you take care of it.