CarFit: JRMC Rehab to hold for drivers
CarFit is coming to Jamestown to offer area drivers to see how their cars ‘fit’ them. Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Rehabilitation department is holding a CarFit event on Thursday, Oct. 11, from 2...
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JRMC Cancer Center event raises $85,000
As construction kicks off, the JRMC Cancer Center nears its fundraising goal. The community raised more than $85,000 for local cancer care at the JRMC Cancer Center Mile Marker 256: a Private...
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JRMC Cancer Center construction to begin Monday
The dream is coming true, said Trisha Jungels. Construction for the Jamestown Regional Medical Center Cancer Center begins Monday, Oct. 1. Jungels, JRMC’s Chief Nursing Officer and Interim Chief Executive Officer, said...
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No Excuses offers pap smears and mammograms to reduce barriers to women’s care
Even with insurance, some women can’t afford mammograms and pap smears. However, local community healthcare partners are working to fix that. Each year, Central Valley Health, North Dakota Women’s Way, Jamestown Regional...
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JRMC named a 50 Best Place to Work
Jamestown Regional Medical Center recently made the Prairie Business “50 Best Place to Work” list. The list highlights organizations in the northern plains that provide their employees with great benefits, workplace culture...
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