17th Annual Running of the Pink raises $62,500 for women’s health
On Saturday, June 8, R.M. Stoudt hosted the 17th annual Running of the Pink (RoP) 5k and 10k walk/run. Over 650 participants, including virtual runners, raised approximately $62,500 to support removing barriers...
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JRMC U to discuss genetic screening for breast cancer risk
The adage is true: knowledge is power. October is breast health month and JRMC is dedicating the upcoming Oct. 12 JRMC U to sharing some empowering information.
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JRMC U: Breast Cancer – What’s My Risk?
Hereditary cancer risk screening has the ability to predict future breast and other genetic cancers. Learn more about access and eligibility to this technology as well as other best practices for early...
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Pink for a Purpose: RoP supports women’s health
Nearly 600 participants supported women of the region at the annual Running of the Pink (RoP) event on June 3. This single day supports women’s health programs all year long.
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No Excuses makes access to women’s care easy
Women deserve the best. And here, the community works hard to ensure there are no excuses to accessing specialized care.
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