My name is Julie Meyer.
Those of us “behind the scenes” in healthcare sometimes feel like our jobs aren’t important because they don’t directly affect patient care.
The real heroes in healthcare are the doctors and nurses who are right there in the midst of things, saving lives. And while that is true, I have come to realize more and more how important everyone’s job really is.
Imagine coming to a hospital without a clean room or clean bedding? Imagine doing our jobs without the computer system these days… possible, but definitely harder! What if the equipment we needed to do our job wasn’t working or if the supplies needed to care for patients hadn’t been ordered? And, can you imagine no food for our patients on the floor? What if your medical record was incomplete and it affected your future care or didn’t get coded correctly and the insurance company denied it? And the list goes on.
Each person’s job is a piece of a bigger puzzle and you need all the pieces to complete the picture. So, if you do work “behind the scenes”, don’t forget how important your job is to the overall patient experience.
When you do your job and do it well, you are making THE difference!
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