JRMC Carrington Clinic donates to Carrington Daily Bread
Miles matter when a person is sick. They also matter when a person is hungry. That’s why the JRMC Carrington Clinic hosted a Cookout in August. More than 120 people attended the...
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Are your student’s sleep habits ready for back-to-school?
Back-to-school time often reminds parents of the notebooks and pencils. But, it should also remind parents of a child’s health and sleep habits.
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Golf tournament raises record numbers for ANGELS
A child who dies in the womb knows only its parents love. He knows no pain. Those were the words of the Rev. Jeffrey Wald, St. James Basilica, at Jamestown Regional Medical...
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5 back-to-school shoe shopping tips
Backpacks. Pencils. Rulers. Back-to-school means more than shopping for school supplies. It means checking shoes to ensure they will work for gym and the playground. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society...
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ENT accepts pediatrics and adults
Editor’s note: Living in a rural area, Brittney Bain and her family traveled many miles to care for her newborn son. The family’s time, and finances, struggled. When Dr. W. Thomas Coombe joined...
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