Mason Segall: admissions
My name is Mason Segall. Jamestown Regional Medical Center admissions do not begin at 6 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.; we are a 24/7 support system starting as soon as a patient presents....
read moreMeLisa Roaldson: I am found
My name is MeLisa Roaldson. I was lost and then I was found. I am not your typical story. I grew up in a drug-addicted home. I am the only one to...
read moreFlu activity hits Stutsman County
The flu is marching its way across Stutsman County, leaving coughing and achy bodies in its wake. Sixty-two cases of the flu in Stutsman County were reported to the North Dakota Department...
read moreWendi Alvarado: survival
My name is Wendi Alvarado. It’s scary to open up and share things for me, but I love the Walk in My Shoes campaign and I believe in Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s...
read moreKatie Ryan-Anderson: my baby
Bad sign: Lying spread-eagle on the hospital bed not two minutes post-partum, I was bleeding and alone. My husband, the doctor and the medical staff had rushed from delivery to attend to...
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