
Posted On March 1, 2017 / Posted in Foundation

Sarah Jacobson: communication

There’s something strange about being around so many happy patients. In fact, unusual happiness has been perceived as so unsettling that author Ira Levin created The Stepford Wives; in order to produce...

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Posted On February 24, 2017 / Posted in New Year New You

NYNY: Finding the Time

By Emily Hoffman, JRMC Exercise Physiologist “Those who do not have time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~ Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby in...

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Posted On February 16, 2017 / Posted in New Year New You

Hoffman: Get steppin’

Emily Hoffman, JRMC Exercise Physiologist Pedometers are nearly becoming a thing of the past as our options for fitness trackers are seemingly endless through technological advances. Whether you have a fitbit, an...

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Posted On February 9, 2017 / Posted in New Year New You

Physical Activity as a Vital Sign

Emily Hoffman, JRMC Exercise Physiologist At each doctor visit we are measured for height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature as these are important indicators for current health...

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Posted On / Posted in Foundation

Foundation sets hospital record for Giving Hearts Day

The needs of one patient, one hospital are certainly overwhelming alone. But, together our impact is matched and makes THE difference. To clarify, gifts of $10 or more were matched on Giving Hearts Day,...

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