JRMC named a 2018 Top Critical Access Hospital
For the fifth year in a row, Jamestown Regional Medical Center has been named one of the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals within the United States by iVantage Health Analytics and The...
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Healthcare survey input needed
Local healthcare organizations are looking to see how they can improve, and they’re asking the community for help. In a collaboration between public and private health, Central Valley Health, Jamestown Regional Medical...
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Public asked to vote for winning robot name
Jamestown Regional Medical Center raised more than $75,000 on Giving Hearts Day – setting a new organizational record. More than 200 donors gave on Giving Hearts Day, supporting hospital initiatives including the...
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Hip replacement requires recovery
Twenty days after total hip replacement surgery, Mark Lee was out doing woodwork, shoveling and blowing snow at home, doing work at his church and going to the gym. Mark was strong...
read morePublic asked to name the Robot
Jamestown Regional Medical Center is raising money for a germ-zapping robot and it needs the public’s help. Ultraviolet light from the Xenex LightStrike Robot reduces the risk of surgical site infections. This...
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