Pregnant? Congrats! Here’s your first 5 (baby) steps
A new life is the beginning of many new decisions – baby formula or breast milk? Reusable diapers? Or disposable? Bassinet? Or crib? “As new moms and dads plan for the arrival...
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5 ways to treat infertility
When the pregnancy test comes back negative for the seventh time, it can leave a feeling of loss and devastation. Infertility, in some cases, has no specific cause. But, sometimes it does. In...
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Life saved through No Excuses program
One Jamestown woman credits the No Excuses program for saving her life. Despite the name of the annual program, Brenda Skavroneck, did have an excuse. The widow and mother of four, said...
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JRMC receives HFMA award
Jamestown Regional Medical Center received recognition as an Adopter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s PATIENT FINANCIAL COMMUNICATIONS BEST PRACTICES®. As a Best Practices Adopter, Jamestown Regional Medical Center demonstrated that it...
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49% of pregnancies are unintended, birth control methods
Unintended pregnancies occur when a reported pregnancy is unwanted or occurred earlier than desired. This usually occurs if a couple doesn’t use birth control, or, uses birth control incorrectly. “In this day...
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