JRMC Family BirthPlace selected for EMPower Training
Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Family BirthPlace was recently selected to participate in the Centers for Disease Control EMPower Training initiative. This initiative provides in-person training to develop a skills-based competency training curriculum...
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Back pain? It might be your kidneys
Kidney back pain is usually felt near the kidneys, which are located just below the ribs on each side of the upper back. Every person has a right and left kidney that...
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Woman survives uterine cancer
Less than five percent. That is the average number of carcinosarcoma uterine cancer cases diagnosed each year, according to the National Cancer Institute. And roughly 35 percent of patients diagnosed will survive...
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Six reasons you pee when you sneeze
Moms, menopausal women and men with prostate issues often question “Why do I pee when I sneeze?” When a sneeze occurs, it shouldn’t cause urinary incontinence. “Kegel exercises can greatly improve the...
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Bladder surgery is life-changing for Jamestown truck driver
Bladder surgery changed one truck driver’s life who knew something was wrong when he’d go to bed at night and wake up soiled in urine. Todd Robyt, Jamestown, suffered from urinary incontinence....
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