As seen in AppleSeeds

Estate planning is vital in securing your family’s future and ensuring your legacy aligns with your values. At JRMC, we are committed to supporting our community through every life stage, and our partnership with Doug Olson, CFRE, FCEP, Executive Vice President of Thompson & Associates exemplifies this. Doug offers community members a unique service — free, comprehensive and confidential estate plan review, education and pre-planning.

Doug brings a wealth of experience from his earlier pastoral ministry and his work with non-profit organizations across North Dakota and the upper Midwest. Since joining Thompson & Associates in 2006, Doug has guided individuals through value-based estate planning, ensuring their assets support both their family and charitable priorities. He has collaborated with JRMC for six years.

Traditional planning usually does not provide time for an in-depth estate education or value-based discussions. Thompson & Associates will not replace your lawyer or local advisor but coordinate with them. They will help you design the plan, which you and your estate attorney will then implement.

Image of Doug Olson
Doug Olson, CFRE, FCEP, Executive Vice President of Thompson & Associates.

Value-based estate planning identifies what is most important to you. Through meetings with Doug, you will develop a statement of objectives that clarifies your values, summarizes your priorities and outlines your intentions to provide for family, friends and charities. This statement and an analysis of your assets and potential tax liabilities lead to a comprehensive estate plan, which can then be implemented with your personal advisors.

The process focuses on individualized planning meetings. In the initial meeting, Doug will provide you with a Values Questionnaire. Subsequent sessions will address your current estate planning documents, fiduciary’s role, questions to prepare you for planning and letters for loved ones. The duration of the planning varies based on your situation’s complexity, and you set the pace of the meetings.

The result is a comprehensive estate plan recommendation based on your values and priorities. For those with an existing plan, it offers an unbiased, confidential review to ensure everything still aligns with your objectives. It will also ensure that your plan reflects any changes in tax laws, family situations, net worth or priorities since the initial creation. With a likely change in estate tax law coming in 2026, now is a very important time for plan review.

“An estate plan is crucial to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes, minimize tax exposure, maximize gifts, protect your family and create a legacy that reflects your values,” said Doug Olson.

Again, this estate planning service is provided at no cost. Thompson & Associates has no products to sell, and you will not be asked to donate to any organization. This service is a gift to friends of JRMC. Thompson & Associates empowers individuals to have more significant input in their planning.

JRMC has chosen Doug and Thompson & Associates because they work exclusively with non-profit organizations and offer expertise in family first and charitable estate planning strategies. Thompson does not draft documents or manage money. They provide unbiased, confidential counsel connecting lifetime values with asset strategies.

About Thompson & Associates

Take the first step towards a personalized estate plan. Working with Doug, you will gain peace of mind and a comprehensive estate plan that tells your story and reflects your values and wishes. To schedule a time to visit with Doug or to learn more, contact the JRMC Foundation Office at (701) 952-4880. For more information, visit

As seen in the Summer 2024 AppleSeeds.