Starting in November, Jamestown Regional Medical Center (JRMC) is collaborating with Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) to offer monthly JRMC Us.
JRMC Us are opportunities to learn (right from local providers!) about common health issues. Kicking off the series is a focus on urology.
Urologist Dr. Brent Williams joined the JRMC team in 2022. He has two decades of experience in care for the bladders, incontinence, prostates, kidneys and men’s reproductive system.
He hopes to answer questions regarding home and surgical options, recovery and what happens after surgery.
Common questions people ask are: “What’s normal? When do I see a doctor?”
The event is set for noon, Wednesday, Nov. 9 at TRAC. Individuals can ask questions, privately, and in advance at The event is free and healthy snacks are provided.
This information is important because care of urological issues can impact a person’s quality of life. A leaky bladder, for example, can get in the way of work, family and the hobbies an individual loves.
JRMC Us offered monthly
JRMC Us help individuals make informed choices about their health.
“We care about this community. If we can offer learning opportunities like JRMC-Us, people can find a home-based solution for their needs. If home remedies don’t work, individuals can at least know what treatment options are available,” said JRMC President & CEO Mike Delfs. “Additionally, missing work and life to see a doctor can be a challenge, so we want to remove as many barriers as we can.”
The Urology event is in-person and at TRAC because that is convenient for the people who often need this care, Delfs said.
Future JRMC Us include:
- Thursday, Dec. 1: “Joint health and bone pain” featuring Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner Crystal Krapp
- Thursday, Jan. 12: “Snoring and sleep apnea” featuring ENT Dr. C.P. Barton III
All events are free and open to the public. JRMC will provide healthy snacks. Attendees do not need a TRAC membership to attend.