JRMC U: Understanding BPH & Prostate Cancer set for Nov. 20
In an effort to educate and empower the community about prostate health, Jamestown Regional Medical Center invites the public to attend JRMC U: Understanding BPH & Prostate Cancer, a free seminar focused on...
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JRMC leaders recognized by Becker’s Healthcare for excellence in rural care
Becker’s Healthcare has named Jamestown Regional Medical Center leaders among its “CEOs and CNOs to Know” for 2024, recognizing their commitment to high-quality rural healthcare and service expansion.
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A Journey of Hope
In the vast expanse of North Dakota, where communities are scattered and access to specialized healthcare can be challenging, stories of resilience and gratitude emerge.
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JRMC U to map out causes for blood in urine
Hematuria is the medical term for blood in the urine. Blood in your urine can signal a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, bladder or kidney tumors or other medical conditions. Blood in...
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JRMC U: Hematuria – Why is there blood in my urine?
Sometimes a serious warning sign, bloody urine shouldn’t be ignored. Learn from Urologist Dr. Brent Williams why finding out the cause is important to choosing the best treatment.
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