My name is Stacey Pesek.
Jamestown Regional Medical Center is my family. My story starts as a patient.
My fiancé and I were expecting our first child, and couldn’t have been more excited! I had a very complicated pregnancy and was a patient multiple times at JRMC. During the time I spent as a patient, I found my passion.
From the minute I walked through the door, I felt welcomed and a sense of reassuming that everything was going to be OK. Well, everyone was right.
After a few months of making a minimum of three trips a week to the hospital for monitoring, we welcomed a healthy baby boy, Brody. He was born on May 29, 2013.
My patient experience at JRMC made me who I am today. I chose my career in Patient Access, because of my patient experience. I was beyond excited after I applied for an admissions clerk position, that I got not one, but two interviews. One week later I was offered a job! I started on Sept. 13, 2013, and was beyond excited to start my role in serving others.
I have seen patients and families welcome beautiful newborns. I’ve also offered my shoulder after families lose loved ones.
Throughout my career, JRMC has changed my life.
August 2014 would change my family’s life forever. My fiancé had been battling a sickness for a couple months, and on the day on of Aug. 27, 2014, my life as a JRMC employee was sent back to the patient’s view.
That evening I took Josh to the Emergency Department because he was short of breath. Tammy Massine, his Emergency Department nurse called Dr. Philip Jystad in the room and explained what was going on. Dr. Jystad walked out of the room and called Josh’s primary care doctor, Dr. David Mathison. He explained to Dr. Mathison, that Josh had a tumor from is lymph nodes in his neck all the way down to his spleen. After a few tests and lots of worrying, we found out we would be going to Fargo that night.
The preliminary CT suggested cancer.
I spent the next hour crying on the shoulders of the staff in the Emergency Department, as Josh was in the ambulance on his way to Fargo. Sherri Madcke, Tammy Massine, Erika Speidel, Holly Wald and Vicki Treitline stood in a circle and gave me their shoulders.
Sept. 4, 2014, our lives would change forever.
Josh was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He underwent four rounds of chemo and four weeks of radiation. I was concerned about my job, my family, and our future. JRMC stood by my family’s side, supported my time away and offered their shoulder when I needed.
Jan. 15, 2015, Josh rang the bell. We celebrated this January – his two-year anniversary!
My outstanding and amazing patient experience has shaped me to the person I am today. I strive to the best patient experience one can have.
I am an advocate for every patient and their families. And, a mentor for my fellow co-workers. JRMC is my family.
Thank you for letting me serve others, in the best way I possibly can.
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