The shoes of the patient access and financial service team at JRMC are filled with females and males, ages 20 to 65 with years of loyalty to JRMC up to 35 years.
We are the smile, calming voice before the patient’s procedure to meet and greet our patients with their families.
We are there to ease the patient’s anxiety at either scheduling that unwanted visit to the anticipated encounter.
We register our patients, with placing ease so that our coworkers can deliver the best care in our community.
Our shoes route the communication throughout the hospital to ensure our patients, their families, our providers, coworkers and clinical professionals receive the information they need, to provide the excellent care they do.
We are the shoes that help patient’s find the programs to help to pay their bills.
We are the team members that solve the insurance puzzles for our patients.
We advocate for patients so that they receive the best benefits from their insurance providers.
We are the sole of the shoe from the beginning to the end of the patient journey.
Our “sole” is the emotional, physical and financial advocacy core for the patient which drives us to the next level of excellent care, placing us at the TOP 100 Hospital, fourth year in a row.
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