Eliminating Barriers to Care
The No Excuses program is designed for women with a lot on their minds. Some women need help affording their important routine health screenings, and if needed, the additional diagnostic, biopsy and other procedures that may follow.
No Excuses is a simple name to help people remember that JRMC will help navigate whatever is in the way of your care, any time of the year.
Help is Here
Together, JRMC, JRMC Foundation, Central Valley Health and ND Women’s Way have partnered to eliminate barriers to allow you to receive the care you need.
No Excuses helps cover the costs of mammograms, pap tests and advanced screening technology for uninsured and underinsured women in the region. At the appointment or during scheduling, JRMC representatives will ask if the individual needs support for this care – through Women’s Way, No Excuses or both. The JRMC team will help a woman register for these services if they are appropriate for her.
No Excuses is not income based. The program can bridge the gap between the expenses insurance will cover and the financial responsibility of the patient. The JRMC admissions team will help women navigate through these programs to determine if either or both are best for them. Women’s Way has income eligibility guidelines. No Excuses does not. No Excuses can bridge the gap between expenses insurance will cover and the financial responsibility of the patient.

What is the process to make an appointment?
Please call JRMC at (701) 952-4852 and ask about the No Excuses program. From there, our staff will help coordinate your care.
What should I expect?
1) Register at the JRMC Radiology, located at bay five. Remember to bring a form of ID and your insurance card if you have one.
2) Our mammography technologists will perform your 3D mammogram if one is needed.
3) After your exam, an initial cervical screening exam may be performed. This may include a Pap test if one is needed.
4) Reserve about an hour of time.
What if I have never seen my primary care physician?
To receive your mammography results, an appointment and initial screening or primary care visit is necessary. Your initial screening can include seeing a provider at Central Valley Health or an OB/GYN at JRMC.
What if my insurance does not cover the procedure?
North Dakota has a program for women called Women’s Way which provides a way to pay for most breast and cervical cancer screenings for eligible North Dakota women. Continue to read more specific to the ND Women’s Way program.
What is North Dakota Women’s Way?
Women’s Way is an income-based program that provides a way to pay for breast and cervical cancer screenings for eligible North Dakota women. The Women’s Way program may also provide patient navigation services to help women overcome barriers and get timely access to quality care. Limited diagnostic procedures are also available.
Vision: To reduce breast and cervical cancer morbidity and mortality in North Dakota.
Mission: To promote early detection of breast and cervical cancer for the women of North Dakota through provision of screening services to eligible women.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
Eligibility is determined by age, income and insurance status.
How do I sign up for this program?
Signing up is easy. Call 1.800.44 WOMEN (1.800.449.6636) or 701.252.8130. You will talk with Tonya or Robin who can answer all your questions about enrollment and eligibility. We can enroll you over the phone. If you have already had your mammogram or Pap smear, we can still enroll you in the program. We will then mail you a packet of information to sign and return to us. Another option is for the facility to assist you in signing up – you just need to ask about how to sign up for this program.
What papers do I need to show to sign up?
We will ask you information about your income – you just need to tell us approximately how much you make in a month or year. We also need to know your current insurance information. Your insurance company will be billed first for the services you receive, and Women’s Way pays secondary. If you have Medicaid or Medicare Part B, you are not eligible for Women’s Way.
What do I have to bring to my appointment?
Remember to take your enrollment card to the facility. Show the card to the receptionist at the clinic or hospital before your appointment so that Women’s Way will be billed for your exam.
Do I have to go to a specific doctor?
You may choose from any enrolled clinic that provides Women’s Way services, which may include your clinic and health-care provider. JRMC, Sanford and Essentia clinics in Jamestown do accept Women’s Way payment for services.
What else does the program pay for?
Specific diagnostic tests are covered by Women’s Way, depending upon your screening exam results. These services include breast ultrasound, diagnostic mammograms, fine needle aspiration or biopsy of a breast lump, pap tests and cervical colposcopy with or without biopsy. Women’s way does not pay for lab tests or prevention screenings that are not related to breast or cervical screenings. Letting the facility know you want a Women’s Way exam is helpful in scheduling to prevent charges that you were not expecting.
What do I do if I have cancer?
If you are diagnosed with cancer, your Women’s Way local coordinator and your health-care provider will work together to assist you with finding treatment options.
What is Running of the Pink?
Cancer is the leading cause of death of Stutsman County residents between the ages of 45 and 84. Because of this, and because so many residents are affected by cancer, R.M. Stoudt hosts the annual Running of the Pink each year on the first Saturday in June. The Running of the Pink 5K run/walk and 10K run. The walk/run begins at R.M. Stoudt and prizes are awarded for the largest family team, largest business team, and the crowd favorite costume.
How is No Excuses Funded?
The annual R.M. Stoudt Running of the Pink (RoP) event provide funding for No Excuses care and technology. Each year, the event raises about $15,000 for women’s care and dedicates a portion of the proceeds to the JRMC Foundation and women’s health. Additional generous donors to the No Excuses fund make this important care possible.
2023 R.M. Stoudt Running of the Pink
No Excuses is supported by R.M. Stoudt Running of the Pink. Enjoy these images from the 2023 event.
Contrast Enhanced Digital Mammography
At JRMC, we believe that nothing should stand in the way of your health—especially when it comes to breast cancer detection. That’s why we’re proud to offer the most advanced technology available with our new contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) machine. As the first healthcare provider in Jamestown to introduce this life-saving tool, JRMC is raising the standard of care for our community.

CEDM provides a clearer, more detailed view of breast tissue by using contrast agents to highlight potential abnormalities. This means earlier detection, better outcomes and more peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Early detection can make all the difference and our team is dedicated to ensuring every patient has access to the best possible care.
The mammograph scan illustrates the advancements in breast imaging technology. A traditional 2D mammogram (left image) provides a single, flat image. In comparison, a 3D mammogram (right image) captures multiple images from various angles, creating a more detailed 3D view of the breast tissue.
However, the advanced screening method of a CEDM (center image) offers the most comprehensive assessment, especially for women with dense breasts. By injecting a contrast agent through the blood stream, the contrast flows throughout the bloodstream. The contrast will concentrate more within the potential abnormality, enabling radiologists to detect even subtle changes that may indicate early-stage cancer, which can be challenging to identify in dense breast tissue.
With CEDM, we’re not just improving technology—we’re transforming the way breast cancer is detected and treated. At JRMC, we’re here to support you because when it comes to your health, there are no excuses. Take charge today and schedule your mammogram.
Screening Guidelines
Cervical screenings, also called pap smears, check the health of a woman’s cervix to prevent cancer. Most women ages 40 and older should have a mammogram each year. Women ages 21 and older should have a cervical screening every three to five years, depending on their age and the recommendation of their provider.
At any given time, more than 1,300 Stutsman County women are not up to date on their mammograms or pap tests. Cancer is the leading cause of death for 45-84 year-olds in this region. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, exceeded only by lung cancer. These screenings save lives.
Your Care Team

You have that choice! Whether you choose your primary care provider or a member of our OB/GYN team, JRMC is happy to work with the medical community of this region to ensure you receive the information and options you need to make the right decisions for you and your family.
The JRMC OB/GYN team offers 24/7 care to this community. OB/GYNs Drs. Gregg McAdoo and Emily Stromquist and Nurse Practitioner Makenize Breitbach can offer specialized care for women’s health otherwise not available without a 100-mile drive.
Did You Know?
JRMC was the FIRST facility in North Dakota to offer 3D mammography for breast cancer screening. Our radiology department is a Pink Ribbon facility, which means every woman receives a digital mammography exam.