From Cure to Comfort
Since 1995, JRMC Hospice has been committed to providing individuals with compassionate end-of-life care. JRMC Hospice provides humane and compassionate care for individuals and their families in the last stages of an incurable disease so that they may live life fully and as comfortable as possible.
Hospice’s mission is to help individuals and their families through the special challenges of life’s last season. Our goal is to provide comfort through symptom control and support of the individual and their family throughout this process. Hospice provides physical and palliative care utilizing a comprehensive combination of services related to the terminal illness. JRMC’s end-of-life care can be provided in the patient’s home, whether that is a home address, nursing home, assisted living community, independent living community or other location.
- nursing
- home health aide
- social work
- counseling
- volunteers
- pastoral services
- dietary counseling
- rehabilitation therapies
- medical equipment
- medication management
- 24/7 nursing care available
- bereavement care
Hospice can best serve individuals if we are involved soon after the decision has been made to stop curative treatment. The hospice team reviews changes that occurring for the individual and their family by assessing physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs.
The JRMC team focuses on comfort by controlling pain and other systems so the patient can remain as alert and comfortable as possible. They also have a social work team who helps the patient and family understand and cope with what is happening. JRMC has an on-staff chaplain to provide additional spiritual support and grief counseling.
Most care is provided in the home but is also available to individuals in local nursing homes. In the home, family, friends and volunteers may work with the hospice team to provide care. At nursing homes, our staff will join with their staff to care for the individual and family.
JRMC Hospice is a part of and works with the Jamestown Area Grief Support Team in providing support groups and programs including a widows retreat. We encourage activities for families that help avoid the regret of not having done or said important things, giving them support and tools to say goodbye.