Breast surgery: 4 ways to keep your care local

As part of women's health month, JRMC has set dates for women to receive 3D mammograms, pap tests and cervical screenings during No Excuses on October 20, November 5 and 9.
Posted On May 4, 2018 / Posted in JRMC News

Breast surgery: 4 ways to keep your care local

Pink. Ribbons. October. These are things a woman might associate with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, exceed only by lung cancer. Detection of...

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Sally Peterson was diagnosed with a twisted colon and several polyps in 2003 when she had her first colonoscopy to remove the cancer at JRMC.
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Cancer found during difficult colonoscopy

After surgery to remove cancer, one 73-year-old woman is feeling better than she has in decades. Sally Peterson, of Adrian, N.D., was diagnosed with a twisted colon and several polyps in 2003...

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Fever. Abdominal tenderness. Nausea. The signs and symptoms of a gallbladder attack can lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening complications.
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4 signs it’s your gallbladder

Stomach cramping. Abdominal tenderness. Nausea. Fever. The signs and symptoms of a gallbladder attack can lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening complications. Bile is a digestive fluid produced in your liver. It...

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Athletes need a healthy body before they can score the winning touchdown. Central Valley Health and JRMC are partnering to offer sports physicals.
Posted On May 2, 2018 / Posted in JRMC News

Sports physicals to be offered

Athletes need a healthy body before they can score the winning touchdown. That’s why Central Valley Health and Jamestown Regional Medical Center are again partnering to offer sports physicals throughout the summer. JRMC...

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Colonoscopies are required every 10 years once an individual turns 50 years old. Contact your primary care physician to schedule your colonoscopy at JRMC.
Posted On April 30, 2018 / Posted in JRMC News

Age 50? Time for a colonoscopy

Ulcers. Polyps. Tumors. These are all abnormalities that may show up in a colonoscopy. If they do, they can be cancerous. Preventing colorectal cancer is one of the main reasons why there...

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