As seen in AppleSeeds

Jason Hildenbrand had a heart attack in June 2023 while shoveling grain on his farm near Monango, N.D. Jason will be the first to tell you this came as a complete surprise. There were signs. His cholesterol, stress levels and risk factors were high, while his focus on his personal health was low. But he did not have a history of cardiac problems and, at 51, thought himself too young to worry much. When his wife Sabrina called the Edgeley Community Ambulance, who took him to the hospital in Oakes, N.D., they found he was having an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) heart attack. Jason was immediately transferred to Sanford Medical Center in Fargo, where they placed two arterial stents. Despite everything, he knew it might be his lucky break.

Jason was discharged home two days later and referred to JRMC Cardiac Rehabilitation. He began working with Sydney Ellingson, exercise physiologist and Madeline Ranum, cardiopulmonary coordinator. Initially, he could only exercise for six to eight minutes. He worked on his heart health three days a week for four months, graduating from JRMC Cardiac Rehab.

Image of Jason Hildenbrand
Jason Hildenbrand particpates in the Good Medicine program at TRAC.

Jason stayed committed and enrolled in the Good Medicine Program —a community collaboration between JRMC and Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC). He even asking his wife to join him! Both now run on the treadmill, do resistance training and complete the most challenging cardio machines in the gym. Sabrina and Jason have made significant life changes since Jason’s heart attack, including healthier eating and cooking, reducing salt intake and reducing stress. They stay active in their workouts and daily lives.

Jason has a significantly better quality of life, with more energy, reduced risk factors and a brighter outlook. They are excited about their next stage of life, enjoying farming with their son and time with their three – soon to be four –grandchildren.

When asked about their experience at Good Medicine with the JRMC team, Sabrina and Jason both say, “They keep us motivated. We have learned so much from them. They taught us that not only does cardio help your heart, but weightlifting does as well. Weights are great for heart health!” Jason adds, “They have been my advocates. They have helped me learn and understand and held me accountable for my own health. I want to thank them.”

Emotionally, Jason says this entire experience was challenging. “It is hard to accept that you have heart damage. It is hard to make life changes.”

Getting to the gym twice a week for exercise is tough, but his team reminds him that his health is more important than anything else. Though not easy, he credits his team for getting him through the experience.

Image of Sydney Ellingson and Sabrina and Jason Hildenbrand
Sabrina and Jason Hildenbrand work out at TRAC with exercise physiologist Syndey Ellingson.

Sydney states, “Good Medicine feels like a family. Participants make connections with each other when we are

here. I love to see that.” About the Hildenbrands, she says, “They are so supportive of one another. It is great to see them together. They are very caring and devoted to their health even during the hectic farming time.”

About Good Medicine

The program runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11 am and is open to anyone. Good Medicine is available to all community members. The rate is $50 a month (TRAC membership not required). Contact TRAC at (701) 952-8722 to sign up and take the first step towards a healthier you.

As seen in the Summer 2024 AppleSeeds.