Paperless Billing Effective September 21, 2022

Paperless billing is better for the environment. It also offers a more secure and convenient access to bills anytime, anywhere. To learn more about it, we prepared these frequently asked questions. For more information, call (701) 952-4823 or learn more here.


What is paperless billing?
Paperless billing, also known as an electronic bill or e-bill, means you will receive your bill through MyChart rather than through the mail.

How will paperless billing benefit me?
Paperless billing has many benefits! This method reduces environmental impact. It also gives patients real-time access to their bills from anywhere. Plus, the information is more secure through MyChart.

Will my bill look the same?
Yes, your bill will look the same in MyChart as it does on paper. Therefore, when you need them, online bills are easy to print.

What determines if a patient will be moved to paperless billing?
Patient has a MyChart account and a documented email address

What if the patient has a MyChart account but does not have an email listed?
He or she will continue to receive paper statements.

What if the patient does not have a MyChart account?
They will continue to receive paper statements.

What if the patient has already opted out of paperless statements via MyChart?
They will continue to receive paper statements.

Will patients that are new to MyChart be enrolled in paperless statements by default?

Can a patient opt out of paperless statements?

Yes, via MyChart they can choose to un-enroll and receive paper statements

  1. log into your MyChart account
  2. from the home page, select Your Menu
  3. scroll to Billing summary
  4. select Cancel Paperless Billing
  5. select button to Receive Paper Statements

What other guidelines determine if a patient will receive a paper statement?

  • MyChart message is opened but bill not paid
    • Bills revert to paper statements upon the fourth unpaid statement.
  • MyChart message is not opened in an email or within the app
    • Bills revert to paper statements upon the third unopened statement.