A Holiday Tradition

Thank You for Supporting the 2024 Tree of Love
We are deeply grateful to everyone who participated in this year’s Tree of Love event. Your thoughtful gifts, dedicated to loved ones, celebrate their lasting impact in your life. Your generosity also pays kindness forward, helping provide compassionate care for others in our community.
At JRMC, we believe compassionate care honors both life and legacy. The Tree of Love Remembrance Celebration offers a meaningful way to remember loved ones who have passed while supporting the care they once received.
Thank you for making this year’s event a beautiful tribute. Be on the lookout for details about the 2025 Tree of Love—we can’t wait to share this special tradition with you again next year!
Richard Ahner
Nels Albin
Wilbert “Bill” and Iva Aldinger
Nancy Allen
Jeff Bair
Dorothy Baker
Cynthia “Cindy” Berger
Rebbecca Bertsch
Roger Bertsch
Gail Bischoff
Teresa Borth
Jeffrey Brown
Terrence “Terry” Buringrud
TJ Carr
Cyril and Rose Cox Family
Joseph & Frieda Craft
Theresa Cross
Anne Dalsted
John Dardis
Arthur “Art” and Tillie Dewald
Anthony “Tony” Diede
Rylee (Huus) Dingmann
Ava Donegan
Elizabeth “Liz” Doyle
Constance Dunn
Philip Eckroth
Gordon Etter
Jeannie Falk
Gerald Farrell
Mary Lou Fick
Shirley Flieth
Bruce Foster
Frank Fischer
Audrey Freeberg
Lisa Freymark
Marti Freymark
Jack Gahley
Lawrence Goehring
Lois Grabinger
Harold “Bubba” Gratzick
Doris Greenstein
Clifford “Cliff” Gumke
Donald Hansen
Cleo Harr
Baby Boy Hatlewick
Paul Heer
Tenley Henning
Lila Hennings
Catherine Herman
Jeanette Hill
Hartley Hoyt
Gerald “Jerry” Huber
Carl Huus
Harvey Janke
Jane Kamletz
James “Jim” Klein
Patricia “Patty” Kling
Jenner “JJ” Koenig
Kevin Koenig
Melvin “Chub” Krubeck
Patricia “Pat” Loretta Krueger
Lyle Lawrence
Ralph Liebold
Paul Lipetzky
Clara Lipp
Darlene Loebrick
Gordon Loper
Tammy Marler
Ron Marsolek
Joshua Marsolek
Renee McCoy
Donald “Don” McIlravy
Carlo Meth
Barbara “Barb” Mittleider
Dorothy and Harold Mittleider
Arthur “Art” Mitzel
Rita Nelson
David Nething
Lynn and Terry Nieland
Matt and Erin Nieland Family
Craig and Julie Norheim
Alton & Mabel Olin
Leona Olson
Berdella Ova
Thomas Oxtoby
Fred and Lorene Paasch
Dale Peterson
Angie Worley Plaine
Edward “E. J.” Polasky
Alexander “Alex” Punton
Ricarda “Ricki” Ramlo
Evelyn Reardon
Ruby Reimers
Robert Reimers
Jeffrey Reimers
Harold Rene
Linda Rinkenberger
Rodney “Rod” Roaldson
Timothy “Tim” Rondestvedt
Myrna Ronholm
David Rude
Len & Fran Rude
Arlen Rumer
Ervin Sahr
Illa Schaller
Lowell and Margaret Schmitt
Keith and Missy Schroeder Family
Mason Schuster
Anton Silbernagel Family
David “Dave” Smette
Eugene “Jeep” Smith
Gerald Srozinski
Owen Steckler
Joanne Steele
James “Jim” Stringer
George Swanson
Roger Thompson
Marlene Tompt
Martha Trautman
Terry Ukestad
George Unverferth
Stephen “Steve” Vandal
JoDell Veil
Ryan Williams
Jerry Willman
Patrick “Pat” Windish
Edward “Ed” and Alice Wolsky
Casey Carl William Wright
Leo & Bertha Yantzer
Cayley Grace and Drew Lee
Marjorie “Marge” Guscette
Richard Hall
Kathren “Kathy” Huber
JRMC Employees
DeLoris Lux
Cynthia “Cindy” Tag Nygord
David “Dave” Tews
Barbara “Barb” Togstad
JoAnn Vollrath
Kathey Ziegler
JRMC Foundation dedicates complimentary ornaments to individual supporters, volunteers and benefactors who have named us in their will or obituary.
Dean Aman
Shelly Andersen
Daniel Anderson
Nancy Bader
Audrey Barnes
Donald Bentz
Gail Bischoff
Donna Bonderud
Gerald Brickner
Jeffrey Brown
Daniel Buchanan
Florence Burkhardt
Delores Byrum
Rachael Carlson
Richard Carlson
Harlan Carow
Evelyn Clemens
Rodger Coauette
Nancy Dahl
Dee Dalke
Anne Dalsted
Luella Deutscher
Sandi Dewald
Anthony Diede
Margie Dockter
Elizabeth Doyle
Harriet Eddy
H. M. Ekren
Marlene Ekren
Donald Exner
Robert Fennern
Shirley Flieth
Dolores Frey
Earl Gall
Lori Geist
Charles Gilje
Clifford Gumke
Hilda Gumke
Esther Guthmiller
Geraldine Guthmiller
Gerald Rudnick
James Hamm
Frances Hammer
Donald Hansen
Arnold Hanson
Dale Hanson
Cleo Harr
LaVerne Henne
Sharon Hertel
Byron Hoeckle
Laura Hoffarth
Mildred Hoffmann
Sandi Horsager
Christopher House
Gerald Huber
Lenora Hughes
Lavina Inglish
Philip Ivesdal
Walter Job
Blanche Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Margaret Kenny
Esther Ketterling
Albin Kleingartner
Emma Kleinknecht
Avis Klinkhammer
Kevin Koenig
Neil Koenig
Irene Kramer
Leona Krapp
Joyce Kukla
Jean Kulla
Verna Lee
Mildred Liebold
Harriet Lien
Nels Lillejord
Leonard Limesand
Monica Lubbers
Paul Martin
Kathleen Mehus
DuWayne Miller
ReNay Moldenhauer
Katherine Moos
Donovan Moran
Leona Morlock
Donna Nannenga
Rita Nelson
Randy Neumiller
Vernette Neva
Corey Neys
Robert Nygord
Jodi O’Neill
Linda Ova
Thomas Oxtoby
Ethelyn Paulson
Mark Peske
Anna Pfaff
Connie Pithey
Magdelina Presler
Joyce Price
Myron Pryor
Roger Rath
Earl Redmann
Alan Rick
Leola Ringuette
Timothy Rondestvedt
Arnold Roorda
Gary Sahr
Bernice Schauer
Michael Schelske
Loren Schulz
Phyllis Sevik
Barbara Sizer
Shawn Slaby
Johanna Somsen
George Spangler
Olga Spitzer
John Splonskowski
Carol Stahlhut
Evelyn Steckler
Robert Todd
Wade Trapp
Martha Trautman
Janet Van Bruggen
Grace Vannett
Carmen Van Ray
Marvin Wanamaker
Donna Weatherly
Jolyne Wegner
Darlene Weixel
James Wenzel
Donna Wetzel
Jarvis Wiest
Levi Williams
Mildred Zenker
Robert Ziesch